Copyright 2007-2012
Built with Indexhibit


This piece consist as a video architectural intervention on a collapsed drop ceiling. Using found images I construct an abstract mini history of the city as an alchemical Promethean process, forged against gravity through the vowels of the earth. This fragment of an essay by Johannes Knesl accompanies the catalog of the piece:

“Our Promethean inclination to consume the fire, to condense it so it would produce the most contracted, thinner, lightest and most shinning of all bodies. It was then, caught in modernity’s bloodlust, it seems that we began to design buildings, machines, every-thing, all that have been bodies, not any more as unfoldments but as projectiles. What we call, nostalgically, ‘the skeleton’, the framing of the skyscrapers is the fire that penetrates into and solidifies its mission in the flesh of the territory. That harmoniously balanced weighty structure, it is nothing but projectiles assembled to form a gleaming spaceship, the moderns version of cathedral that will transport us, our bodies, to where they became as light, freely commanding as the sky-god hurling Zeus’s lighting bolts.

Where is the fire now, today, what is the conflagration that is our postmodern metropolis? The City as vastly ungraspable concentration has usurped the lives of our bodies.

The City is alive within the fire that is communications, transports networked of goods and goodies, and most no longer full-body encounter but receipts of flaming signals, of shiny images projected, rehashed, resent, rehashed, and resent again, just to keep ourselves running, to give off signs of our life. Our very limbs have come to appendages that carry images and messages that are nearly bodiless projectiles projected to encapsulate bodies faces, depths, compartments, to over-code, to re-channel them into more messages and meanings that will maintain the global discourse that is the global city.”